Psychoeducation: Information dissemination and educating in vulnerabilities and adoptable coping mechanisms.
Emotional regulation: Identifying, countering discriminating, grounding thoughts and emotions from internal construction to an external representation.
Cognitive processing: Transforming negative perceptions and beliefs about self, others and environment to positive ones through cognitive reconsideration or re-framing.
Trauma processing: Systematic desensitization, response activation and counter-conditioning, titrated extinction of emotional response, deconstructing disparity (emotional vs. reality state), resolution of traumatic material (in theory, to a state in which triggers no longer produce harmful distress and the individual is able to express relief.)
Emotional processing: Reconstructing perceptions, beliefs and erroneous expectations, habituating new life contexts for auto-activated trauma-related fears, and providing crisis cards with coded emotions and appropriate cognition. (This stage is only initiated in pre-termination phase from clinical assessment and judgement of the mental health professional.)
Experiential processing: Visualisation of achieved relief state and relaxation methods, imagery re-scripting.